February 28, 2013
Community News
Regulations Updates
NJDEP issues new and improved Form ‘B’ Certification for Monitoring Wells
Effective today, the NJDEP has issued a new Form B Certification for monitoring wells. You can find the new Form and instructions for preparing it here.
Since the NJDEP issued a two page Form B Certification for monitoring wells in 2011, the New Jersey Society of Professional Land Surveyors GIS Committee has been working with them to revise the Form to be more consistent with the Site Remediation Reform Act technical guidelines and relevant to the tools and procedures that surveyors are using today.
Significant changes are that the geographic coordinates are now to be represented to the nearest one hundredth of a second, the NAD83 NJ State Plane Coordinates are to be reported to the nearest one foot, the outer casing and ground elevations are to be reported, there are options for noting what vertical datum your site is referenced to and in Section 6 the term “actual elevation” has been defined as being referenced to NAVD88.